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Board of Zoning Appeals

The Board of Zoning Appeals consists of five (5) members appointed by the Town Council for terms of four (4) years each. In appointing members to the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Town Council shall consider their professional expertise, knowledge of the community and concern for the future welfare of the total community and its citizens. No member of the Board of Zoning Appeals may hold an elected public office. The Board of Zoning Appeals elects one of its members as chairperson and one as vice-chairperson. Current members of the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) are:

  • David Savage, Chair
  • Amy Fabri, Vice Chair
  • Joshua Hayes
  • Roy Smith
  • Massey Yannitelli

Meetings are open to the public and held on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:00 P.M. at Town Hall. Please see our meetings and agendas. If there is no case, the BZA does not meet. Please check agendas to see if there is a meeting. The BZA does not act in a review or recommending capacity. The BZA has final decision-making authority on the following matters:

A.   Special Exceptions

B.   Variances, and

C.   Appeals of Administrative Decisions on Zoning Related Matters

The Board of Zoning Appeals holds at least one (1) public hearing on the proposed Special Exception or Variance and, within a reasonable time following the close of the public hearing, acts to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the proposal. The Board of Zoning Appeals uses criteria outlined in the Comprehensive Plan in the decision-making process. The fact that property may be utilized more profitably if a Zoning Variance is granted shall not be considered grounds for granting a Zoning Variance.

Board of Zoning Appeals Rules of Procedure