In August of 2015, the Town Purchased Pinckney Park utilizing Charleston County Greenbelt Funds. Pinckney Park is 7.37 acres of beautiful land with majestic trees situated on a tributary of Parrot Creek at the end of Fort Johnson Road. Please see the attached presentation detailing the history behind this purchase.
The property was named for Simeon Pinckney, who was born a slave in Manning, S.C., enlisted in the 3rd S.C. Inf. (Colored) in 1863 and later served in the 21st U.S. Colored Infantry during the Civil War. After the war Pinckney settled on James Island with his wife Isabella, stepson Daniel, and sons Alex and Samuel. In 1874 he purchased twenty acres of land for $350. Here he built a house and farmed the land on his own account. Simeon Pinckney died in Nov. 1921 and is buried in the Fort Johnson area. Remarkably, Pinckney was not only able to purchase land during Reconstruction, but the family was also able to retain ownership of at least a portion of the tract for nearly 150 years. The Town of James Island purchased 7 acres of the Pinckney homestead from the family for use as a public park in 2016.
First Public Workshop
The Town held an Open House inviting the public to tour the property on August 23, 2015. Around 150 individuals came out to see the park and give us their vision for its future. The Town followed the Open House with an interactive public workshop a few days later to gather ideas which would help tailor the Town's solicitation for proposals from design firms and landscape architects. Click here to view the presentation from the workshop and click here to view the results of the input gathered from the public workshop.
Design Consultants
From this information, the Town solicited proposals from design firms and Town Council awarded the project to Hussey Gay Bell in December of 2015. Since that time, our consultants have been working diligently to survey and evaluate the park site and existing structures.
Second Public Workshop
In February of 2016, the Town consulting firm for Pinckney Park, Hussey Gay Bell, held another public workshop for the Town. This workshop was designed to present the site and building conditions to the public in order to discuss any constraints or opportunities that was discovered. Please see on overview of their presentation here. In addition, Taxonomic Biologist Matt Horry conducted on-site observation and surveying, followed by research to compile an extensive inventory of the park's plant and wildlife. Please click here for a plant and wildlife inventory of the park. and click here for the site inventory and analysis. Many great suggestions were received, and detail on public input received can be found here. Using information gathered from both workshops and meeting with Town staff, the consultants are working to finalize a Master Plan to present the public and Town Council for additional feedback.
Master Plan
On Tuesday, May 10th, Hussey Gay Bell presented the Draft Master Plan at a workshop here at Town Hall. Approximately 40 residents were in attendance. The Master Plan was worked on with input from the steering committee. The engineer's presented a presentation and opened up the workshop for comments. Following the comment section, attendees were invited to mark-up the master plan drawings and provide additional feedback. The steering committee will review these comments and adjust the master plan as necessary, and then bring to Town Council for final approval this summer. Please click here to find the Draft Master Plan presentation.
Final Master Plan
Following the Master Plan workshop, many comments were received and taken under consideration by the steering committee. Those included moving the location of one of the trails and eliminating the crabbing dock because of lack of water at high tide. The final Master Plan was presented to Council at their June meeting and it was adopted. Council also approved moving forward with the engineering design of all phases and purchasing the playground equipment. Phase I is currently underway and the Town is hopeful to have it open to the public in the Fall of 2016. Please click here to find the Final Master Plan.
In December of 2016, Town Council awarded construction of Phase I to IPW Construction Group, LLC. Construction began in the Spring of 2017 and wrapped up in June of 2017. Please visit our park between sunrise and sunset and enjoy the playground and walking trails.
The Town completed Phase II, a new screened-in picnic shelter with attached restrooms, in the summer of 2020.
Submit Your Ideas
Please email Mayor Brook Lyon with your thoughts on how to make Pinckney Park a welcoming retreat for our residents and visitors. Also, please continue to check this page for more updates on Pinckney Park and opportunities for public input.
Tree Adoption Program
Calling all tree stewards! If you are interested in helping to maintain the existing trees at Pinckney Park, and also help fund the planting of new trees, you can donate to the Town of James Island's Tree Adoption Program. Developed by Eagle Scout Sam English for Boy Scout Troup #44, the program gives donors recognition on a plaque that is installed on the park grounds. For more information, please view our Tree Adoption Program Application.
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