Councilwoman Mignano serves as Council Liaison to James Island Pride, Helping Hands, Children's Committee and Chair of the James Island Intergovernmental Council.

Councilman Boles serves as Council Liaison to the Neighborhood Council Committee.

Councilman Mullinax serves as Council Liaison to the Drainage Committee. Councilman Mullinax serves as Vice Chair of the James Island Intergovernmental Council.

Councilman Dodson serves as the Council Liaison to the Business Development and Accommodations Tax Committees.

Mayor Lyon has lived on James Island for over 30 years and loves our Island and the people who live here. Her focus is serving the citizens of our Town and working to make James Island a better place to live. She serves as the Council Liaison to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, History Committee, Trees Advisory, and Rethink Folly Road Committees. You can reach her at Town Hall (843) 795-4141.