The Town of James Island is committed to the continual monitoring and improvement to the infrastructure, transportation, connectivity, and other projects to enhance and improve the quality of service provided to its residents and visitors. Please check this page frequently for updates on all of the projects the Town is working on!
Dills Bluff Phase IV is the final segment of continual sidewalk extending along the full length of Dills Bluff Road beginning at the intersection of Fort Johnson Road. This final portion extends along Dills Bluff Road from the intersections of Condon Drive/ Winborn Drive to Fort Sumter Drive
This is a continuation of the Dills Bluff Sidewalk and will run from Seaside Lane to Winborn Street. Project engineers for this are Johnson. Laschober and Associates (JLA) and Charleston County will be project managing the construction. The Town will be using CTC funding and will match the cost at
This is a joint program with the City of Charleston and Charleston County to prepare our drainage systems for expected sea level rise. As partner agencies, we are installing backflow valves at our piped outfalls into the marsh so that very high tides will not flood back into our residential
The Fort Johnson Road/Camp Road Roundabout project is a Charleston County 1/2 cent sales tax safety project that is partially within the jurisdiction of the Town of James Island and partially within that of the City of Charleston. Visit the Charleston County Transportation Development project page
This project is in response to a catastrophic failure of this system during the 2015 "Thousand Year Flood" where pipe collapse resulted in a 20' sink hole. This project will replace some segments of pipe and slip line others.
This program focuses on illegal and illicit discharges into our stormwater systems on James Island. These are things like a restaurant putting grease into the storm drain or ditch, or a home that has the washing machine discharging into the ditch. These practices are not allowed, and cause pollution
This study is being funded by a grant from the South Carolina Office of Resiliency and is being done by W K Dickson. The study will identify all drainage structures, current capacity for the system and future needs so that current maintenance activities can be scheduled and future capital
This was a two-fold project that addressed flooding concerns on Fort Johnson Road as well as a safe route for pedestrians to get into Lighthouse Point. The sidewalk is on the south side of Lighthouse Blvd. next to the soccer fields and meanders through the Live Oak allee to Brigantine Drive. The
This project is still in the planning phase with survey work completed early in 2022. This will connect the Regatta Road sidewalk to Quail Drive. The project goes through City of Charleston and Charleston County jurisdictions, so an intergovernmental cost sharing agreement is being looked at for
In a joint program with the James Island Public Service District, the Town of James Island has installed pet waste stations in several James Island neighborhoods. These stations have pet waste bag dispensers and a JIPSD garbage can, which is emptied each week on the regular garbage collection route